Discover the services to support your business
MADE4.0 offers the expertise of its consortium, proposing a range of services to support Italian companies that want to take the first steps towards their own digital and sustainable transformation by combining business and process needs with technological innovation.
In particular, MADE4.0 has developed a catalogue of services providing solutions, functions, and opportunities to undertake the smart factory paradigm.
Companies can access MADE Competence Centre services according to the incentives defined in the table:

Catalogue services

Designing the digital and sustainable factory
We implement with companies a plan for the adoption of digital technologies and strategic skills for the transformation towards Industry 4.0.

Experimenting the digital and sustainable factory
We test and experiment companies' ideas and proposed development projects through the realisation of demos, pilot solutions and proofs of concept and the use of our MADE4.0 spaces.

Implementing the digital and sustainable factory
We support the customer along a path from technology consulting, scouting for the right technology partners to the validation of the entire transformation project.

Training courses
We bring 4.0 training to companies through catalogue or customised courses, in presence or remotely.

Guiding companies in their application for funding
We support companies with individual consulting to access national and European funding calls.

Safeguarding technology patents
We provide patent advice for the protection of proprietary ideas, solutions and products.

Finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU

Organizzazione con sistema di gestione per la formazione certificato secondo la norma ISO 9001:2015