Programme: EIT- Manufacturing (ID 22187)
01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022

Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Manufacturing Summer School



project title

IESMA Summer School

EU Countries




Competencies used


Comau; INESC TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science; Polimi; TU Wien; University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland; Whirlpool EMEA; École Centrale de Nantes; MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0; MITMYNID Lda


IESMA Summer School will be focused on developing in young talents an “intra-preneurial” mindset, for becoming the future manufacturing leaders of sustainable and innovative companies. Key speakers from companies, business evangelists, business angels and entrepreneurs active in the field of manufacturing will share their thoughts and experiences. Professors from leading universities will provide the needed theoretical framework of innovation and entrepreneurship. The close collaboration with the industrial world will allow students to practice in real business contexts, where a systemic view is essential to appreciate the role of societal challenges in the decision-making process. For this, students will face challenges provided by real cases and will develop their innovative ideas for a more sustainable manufacturing. They will be also trained to pitch their ideas in front of a panel of leading experts. The Summer School will be open to all the EIT Manufacturing Master students and as well to all the talented students interested in developing their career in the creation of a more sustainable and innovative manufacturing. An international recruiting campaign will be carried by the organizers, with this specific target in mind.

MADE role

Provide logistic support (spaces for lectures), provide connections with industrial contacts. Host part of the summer school in Milano. Prepare 1 nugget on the competence centers experience.


The learning contents on I&E skills developed specifically for the summer school will be exploited in other courses offered by the different universities and/or companies as well as some of the proposed experience.
The digital nuggets on I&E will enrich the GLP and, thus, will be available for interested users even after the end of the activity.
The experience gained with the school organization and delivery will be exploited to offer a summer school for the next cohorts of the EITM master students or to create new educational experiences for professionals.
Ideas generated during the summer school in reply to the challenges launched by the partner companies could be further developed and brought to the market with the creation of new products and service or with the launch of start-ups.

Do you have any project proposals?

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