AI MAnufacturing Testing and ExperimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS – AI MATTERS
AI MAnufacturing Testing and ExperimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS – AI MATTERS
AI MAnufacturing Testing and ExperimenTation network For EuRopean industrieS – AI MATTERS
Circular Integration of independent Reverse supply Chains for the smart reUse of IndusTrially relevant Semiconductors - CIRC-UITS
Alla scoperta dei vantaggi del risparmio energetico e del monitoraggio della fabbrica in un vero e proprio impianto dimostrativo.
duratION 2 days in presence level Basic certificate of attendance Issued by MADE - Competence Center i4.0 GOAL:The focus of this course is exploring digital transformation’s great potential for product…
In January 24th the international Kick Off Meeting of European Network “EDIH Manufacturing Network – EDIH4MANU” will take place in MADE Competence Center i4.0.
Prototype of AGV that confers material exactly in the area where the operation on the production cycle, dialogues with other actors involved in the production and overcomes physical obstacles.
Algorithm that ensures the immediate reporting of a criticality enabling a specific intervention strategy intervention based on the level of risk.
Automatically detect data through solutions of connectivity between machinery and an information system developed for real-time control of production and maintenance.
Optimize UX analysis on new products and the collection of feedback during the design phase, By making design variables more efficient and avoiding the construction of non-performing prototypes.