Programme: Horizon 2020 (ID 101058458)
project name
eu countries

Competencies used
The problem
The main objective of the FLASH-COMP project is to develop a fast and reliable (FLASH) human-oriented quality control solution capable of identifying in a timely-manner defectiveness during process and, consequently, to determine the in-situ corrective actions to be implemented, towards zero-defects LRI manufacturing process, significantly reducing the generation of polymer composites waste. FLASH-COMP will employ novel, fast, and accurate Inspection and Monitoring techniques (FLASH-IM) within the most critical manufacturing stages –pre- forming and infusion–, to retrieve key process parameters.
This data will feed an AI-based Defect Severity Estimation Tool (FLASH-DSET), capable of estimating the generation of defects and, in consequence, determining if and what kind of corrective actions should be adopted within the pre-forming and resin infusion operations. Instructions will be linked to real-time feedforward and feedback (FF/FB) control strategy Decision Support System (FLASH-DSS) which will allow workers to take instant and precise corrective actions paving the way towards ‘first-time-right’ manufacturing; zero-defects/zero- waste. The smart knowledge will be fed from interoperable and sovereign data sharing between sites and factories. In this way, the composite sector will take advantage of the latest technological innovations to digitalise manufacturing processes towards a more sustainable and competitive composite industry.
MADE role
- Simulation and modelling (digital twins) covering the material processing level up to manufacturing system
- Data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deployment of digital platforms for data management and sharing
- Demonstrate a significant increase of sustainable production through improved control systems and non- destructive inspection methods;
- Develop methodologies and tools to prevent the generation of defects at component level and its propagation to the system level;
- Create new diagnostic methods for in-situ monitoring of industrial production;
- Ensure efficient use of materials, repair strategies, and reduced production cost and time.